However, if time is thought of as cyclical and infinite, there are infinite variables of potential that can manifest themselves in reality, if the right motivation is in place.
Working from a subconscious flow, i believe, a more natural, authentic outcome can be constructed, free from the restraints of day to day activity and thought cycles. These actions obviously still influence, but using alternative methods, it will influence at the balenced level its supposed to, not because your mind is flooded.
Calming the mind, whether it be through music, art, creative action, meditation, martial arts, drugs, prayer or/and faith.... allows the mind to work as one. Reducing thinking to a singularity or (zen), opens up these realms, free from time and ego, filled with cosmological signals, perfect syncratic geometry, patterns and foreign information. A realm where you stop questioning and thinking, because you already know... and start just being, existing, as one, mind in harmony with the soul, free to roam and digest all the beautiful information you are observing.
The important bit, in attaining these valuable bites of knowledge, is that after the experience, these should be documented and exposed for all to see. Whether this is in writing and telling stories, art work, songs, dance, a devolution of ones ego is needed in order to share this information to benefit other people. There are many similarities between the artist and the shaman.
Alternatively, Its the comic book adaptation of using your powers, (knowledge gained) for good instead of evil.
Round full circle - during this project i had no concept of time due to this creative process, and now i come to document it, i find myself working backwards from 0.1 - 0.0.
One other observation to do with time and the sensation felt through the creative process - promoting the positives in stories, myth and legend.... 'methods alternative cultures'..... Is.....
Ive noticed that if you do something, anything, and its a SHARED, positive, happy experience at the time, time as your 'doing' is reduced to what feels like nothing (an acceleration). However the MEMORY of that event lasts for a lifetime.
If your doing something you don't enjoy, the time appears to take forever, and your memory of it fades rapidly.
Its an obvious ratio. But when thought about, actually means something. Lessons can be learned without physical evidence. Myth can teach values that would take science and rational decades to arrive at.... If only a harmony could be reached???

"This is not necessarily the truth,
this is what Wittgenstein would have called
an exercise in searching for that which is true enough."
The Great Timestream Bifurcation
Terence Mckenna
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