Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Photography Investigation - Forward

Having had some time to think this next process through, i feel i would like to introduce the idea of reduction vs minimalism.
The original concept still the 'umbrella' focus,
(How abstraction can influence meaning and content of a photograph), i want to abstract the images further. Through using and 'reducing' the shapes and lines within the photos, a more purer, cleaner, clearer image should become apparent.

Then a further process of reduction will be applied. These lines and shapes will be abstracted to a single form of colour on a pure back ground. Hopefully giving the images a minimalist aesthetic. The colour based of the feel of the reduced image. Photographs of these results will then become the final images. This will hopefully remove more of the contextual influence from the images leaving its abstracted essence.

I would like to create an illusion with these images. I want a minimalist aesthetic disguising the mechanical form of reductionism the images will actually portray. This comes round circle to the dislocation between the artist - context - the product - the product - context - the observer. This will be covered in more detail at a later date.

Weather has been a major factor in this project. It has required clear sky to achieve the raw data required, and there hasn't been a lot of that. But having to compromise this fact has allowed an element of chance to an otherwise mechanical experiment.

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