Simple and clean. The slow panning camera is something which i may emulate to some degree as it really invites the observer into the frame. I like the colour pallet used, its minimal, simplistic aesthetic and the message inherent within is inspiring and positive. The Fonts, seemingly clear and legible regardless of the form the words take. There are differences in spacing and kerning, scale and motion and tracking but it retains its readability at all times.
Lots of things going on here. The typefaces change from sans serif to serif when a particulare point needs emphasis. Also it's sometimes in uppercase and sometimes in lowercase. The slab serif style of font chosen for the main text allows for the building up of blocks of text, in particular when using uppercase, this reflects the stately progress of the font accross the screen and allows for text to be blocked as a representation of 'noise'.
Lots of things going on here. The typefaces change from sans serif to serif when a particulare point needs emphasis. Also it's sometimes in uppercase and sometimes in lowercase. The slab serif style of font chosen for the main text allows for the building up of blocks of text, in particular when using uppercase, this reflects the stately progress of the font accross the screen and allows for text to be blocked as a representation of 'noise'.