Sunday, 7 March 2010

Ableton - temple ambiance

Ableton is a user friendly music suite that handles everything from live sound to production. Ive been using this software for a few years now and feel comfortable in knowing i can achieve the desired results.
In collecting samples initially, the framework was in place to begin the creation of our own sounds, one shots and drones. All bought forward through the initial research into 30's horror, looking at adventure games such as Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones, and also, most importantly, looking at the set mark designed and the creatures Ken has invented, creating/assigning them sounds that fit their aesthetic and desired demeanor.

The Environment.

The First Obvious sound to accompany the visual of the temple is running water.
For this the bbc sound effects library is ideal. This is the only sound that will be taken directly from external sources and used in the Game. Using a sample in this manner saves so much time. The idea of setting up a field recording or emulating running water is slightly unreasonable due to time constraints. Also running water is a universal sound and does not need and manipulation to achieve the result needed.
This will be the main ambiance in the room.

The second ambient texture will be a low volume spectral drone. Using a Roland Juno G synthesizer, notes and tones are played in, assigned effects and layered over one another to create a rich and textured sound. I have created 4 different drones for the team to choose from.
The drone will emanate from the central alter of the temple, specifically the emerald that the alter and monsters protect.
This will hopefully mean that sounds help guide the participant through the temple, like using an 'audio map.'
The 3d spatial sound script in second life means this is easily achievable and will hopefully set an ominous suspense within the temple.

These grabs illustrate the construction of one textured drone, the wave form of the audio, and then in the arrange view what the full sound is comprised of.

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