Sunday, 14 March 2010

Uploading sounds to second life

After sending all the noises and sounds through Ableton, they were then ready for Audacity. The purpose of this really was to export the files as .WAV as this is the format that second life recognizes. It was also a necessary stage to make sure the volumes of specific tracks had continuity with others. As all the other editing was done in Ableton, this process was quick and simple.

In second life, there is an opportunity to experiment with simple script and coding. Afew drag and drops of files into the correct content folder and limited output options mean the simpler the better.
Due to restrictions with content between users mean that assigning the sounds to existing objects in the temple was a no go. I therefore decided to create objects, assign them the correct sound and make them invisible. Turning the phantom setting on the objects and placing them within the terrain means they are undetectable to the gamer, yet still create the same illusion.
The drones and reverb really help set the tone of Sunken Temple, however the waterfall sample is still creating issues.

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