In traditional typography, text is composed to create a readable, coherent, and visually satisfying whole that works invisibly, without the awareness of the reader.
Until the Digital Age, typography was a specialized occupation. Digitization opened up typography to new generations of visual designers and lay users.
Type can be used to evoke emotion and aid an image, branding of feel.
For example 'Punk' uses a cut and paste, rough and ready process to capture a D_I_Y aesthetic.
In the late 70's this was an entirely new method of selling a product. It transformed not only the punk movement into pop, but society as a whole, the media and pop culture that succeeded it as well.

"The typographical principle, that is the creation of a complete text by reusing identical characters."
"In typography color is the overall density of the ink on the page, determined mainly by the type face and size, the leading, but also by the word spacing and depth of the margins.[14] Text layout, tone or color of set matter, and the interplay of text with white space of the page and other graphic elements combine to impart a "feel" or "resonance" to the subject matter. With printed media typographers are also concerned with binding margins, paper selection and printing methods."
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