Monday, 30 May 2011

Amendments after Crit and Poor res Filmed version of Final Piece

Amendments made - Analysis and Critique

The issues that were described in 'Rational 5,' have now been implemented. There is a lot of detail lost on these low res posts for blogging. Its frustrating. A Better quality version, (still filmed on a digital happy snap camera and a laptop screen) will be handed in on disk for evidence, however due to all the rendering issues, there is only likely to be one HQ version available, that will be handed in as my final piece.
The changes that have been made are altered bass graphic, masking and use of layers to add dynamic, there has been one more element added. (Scrape (sound) - Lines (graphic, yellow + purple)). This allows the use of negative space in the 'quite' sections or drops within the audio, without allowing the screen to ever be just black. The audio at several points drops away to a solo scrape sound. The visuals accurately depict this.
The masking has been a great feature added. I have used sprites, usually rectangles, coupled with an Interpolation patch and made them black so they are indistinguishable from the background. Using the Interpolation patch, animated them so they move, synced with the kick drum, back and forthe across the composition. Arranging them on the top layers means that they they 'interfere' and or mask the artefacts on the layers below. This has broken up the lines and added so much dynamic. It prevents anything in the composition from feeling static. One of the main criticisms discussed at crit.
The dot effect that represents the snare pattern, has been turned into a 4x4 grid, within which, in the first half of the audio, flashes randomly around its 16 different positions in accordance with the snare hits.
This is then formalized in the second half of the piece, (as the audio is also regulated and formalized) into following a set pattern.
I still have no answer as to how to move the camera. I had a reply off a form that suggested using Kinemes'  GL Tools patch. Having downloaded this patch, i have no i dea how to make it work. I have left another post on the same thread asking for further help and more detail, and am awaiting a response.
Having exterior input and suggestions has enabled me to make the piece far more sophisticated than it was before. Utilising ideas and lateral thinking that would otherwise not have been available to me to create something far more engaging. Masking, better more balanced composition, less cluttered, far more dynamic and less static.
I feel using 3d space, and being able to move the camera position (controlled via Midi for accuracy) it would make for really exciting visuals and a far more 'industry standard' level of work.
I will figure it out. Just perhaps not for deadline unfortunately.

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