Tuesday, 20 October 2009


The Wire. HBO. . Season 3 advert.

The Wire is a noir styled, hard boiled Detective Drama series set in Baltimore city present day. The series is hard hitting illustrating corruption in the city. It focuses on a different area of industry or public sector each season, illustrating just how bad gang and drug crime is, and how far this corruption travels up the chains of commands in question. It shows dilapidation, raises issues of drugs, sex, violence and questions morality and mans unwritten code of honor. ( Honor among thieves motif)
It is aimed at adults, especially 20's - 30's, however it is that well written it transcends almost all age boundaries except minors due to its content.

This trailer gives an indication of the stylization (noir) feel to the show, illustrating segments of dialogue spoken in a sleazy 50's tone, the panoramic shots of the city in its glory and slums (rich/developed industrial and residential juxtaposed with dilapidation, drugs, race. Despite the noir overtones, it also feels decadent. It illustrates power and status whilst recognizing humility developed and channeled through intricate characters.

Its the slow panoramic shots of the city, juxtaposed with images of sub-culture most people can only dream of that make this a particularly alluring advert.

Wall-e tv spot. Disney / Pixar

Wall-e demonstrates abstract concepts about the human race and evolution, whilst obviously being rooted in humor, love and plot. One of my favorite animated kids film that has depth, a great story and transcends all age barriers. Walt Disney has become the household name and global world icon through the content of its stories and ideas, each one unique and individual.

This short trailer demonstrates the humor in Wall-e, eye catching colour and effects, 3d modelling and animating, the concept of love and hope through these innocent characters and depicts people with a humility and understanding that only Disney has mastered over decades.

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