1) Pixar Animation Studios - is a CGI animation production company based in Emeryville, California. It is one of the most critically acclaimed film studios of all time. It is best known for its CGI-animated feature films which are created with PhotoRealistic RenderMan, its own implementation of the industry-standard Renderman image-rendering API used to generate high-quality images.
Pixar started in 1979 as the Graphics Group, a part of the Computer Division of Lucasfilm before it was bought by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs in 1986. The Walt Disney Company bought Pixar in 2006.
Pixar has made 10 feature films
Toy Story in 1995
A Bug's Life in 1998
Toy Story 2 in 1999
Monsters, Inc. in 2001
Finding Nemo in 2003 (which is, to date, the most commercially successful Pixar film, grossing over $800 million worldwide)
The Incredibles in 2004
Cars in 2006
Ratatouille in 2007
WALL-E in 2008
Up in 2009 (the first Pixar film presented in Disney Digital 3-D).
Pixar's eleventh film, Toy Story 3, is scheduled for release on June 18, 2010.
2) Nikon Corperation - is a multinational corporation headquartered in Tokyo, specializing in optics and imaging. Its products include cameras, binoculars, microscopes, measurement instruments, and the steppers used in the photolithography steps of semiconductor fabrication, of which it is the world's second largest manufacturer.
Among its famous products are Nikkor imaging lenses (for F-mount cameras, large format photography, photographic enlargers, and other applications), the Nikon F-series of 135 film SLR cameras, the Nikon D-series of digital SLR cameras, the Coolpix series of compact digital cameras, and the Nikonos series of underwater film cameras. Nikon's main competitors in camera and lens manufacturing include Canon, Casio, Kodak, Sony, Pentax, Panasonic, Fujifilm and Olympus.
Founded in 1917 as Nippon Kōgaku Kōgyō Kabushikigaisha ("Japan Optical Industries Corporation"), the company was renamed Nikon Corporation, after its cameras, in 1988. Nikon is one of the companies of the Mitsubishi Group. The name Nikon, which dates from 1946, is a merging of Nippon Kōgaku ("Japan Optical") and an imitation of Zeiss Ikon.
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