Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Doom/Heretic/Heretic/Duke Nukem - Textures and Colour pallets - Ambiance and atmosphere

These images from Heretic have the perfect texture for flooring. More so than The floors looked at in Doom. I like this washed out stone look. Its clean and simple. However in my level i would like a bit more randomness to some aspects of the flooring. ie, gridding, rubble, general metal and steel structures.

These to images are from a later version of Heretic. The general ambiance of these two images is more akin to the dystopian theme id like to incorporate. I really like the haze and the mist, adds an eery atmosphere without that necessarily being the focus.
The noir feel of the light cascading through the window really adds a dynamic to the room. Brings a conceptually dull room to life. So lighting is what i would like to take away from looking at these images and remembering this game.

This last shot is from the original Duke Nukem. This, a game out of the same era as doom and heretic, but had a much more macho/slapstick feel to it.. But its the dystopian feel to the game that captures my imagination.
What i was realising in previous posts about this illusion of space in games is illustrated perfectly here. The buildings in the background feel like simple 2d drawings or digital drawings of buildings, attached to a plane or an object. I want to use this effect in my level, however the images need to be much more dilapidated, ruined buildings and rubble everywhere (depending on what can be seen from the first person view).

On from this i have been taking photos, collecting images and putting them into a folder of textures that i might like to use. The next post will be a few examples of these textures that i intend to take into photoshop and fine tune so there is continuity within concept.

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