Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Sound Design

Now that more of the dystopian aspect of the concept has come through, i felt it was about the right time to make some sounds for the level. This will start on a loop as the player enters the room. The loop that has been made is almost seamless which im happy about. It has several textures and layers that are comprised of made up sounds using Ableton. There are bit reduced synths, reversed percussive hits that are layered in reverb, samples of old fm radio signals - Keeping continuity within concept as the robot is searching for traces of human life, thus collecting items that have been left and storing them..... There are layers of static and samples of conversations occurring over VHF radio.

I really tried to create a dynamic set of sounds for this level as i think it will aid convincing the player of the world they have immersed themselves into. Sound is the most important aspect of any creation or event for me and i feel i can do the visual justice due to knowing how to react to visual stimulus with sound.

The red lines that span the waveforms are the bits of automation i have added. They represent either the track volume, the panning from right to left, effects such as bit crushing, flanging and different oscillator parameters that i feel added a huge amount of dynamic in the scape of sound.
The scape was played through and the different osc settings were applied using the MS-20 synth plug-in VST.
The nuances were tweaked in post production.

In conjunction with my Case study, i wanted to experiment with midi.
There are 2 free source samples in this piece. The rest is all processed midi sounds and hits that i have created. To create these sounds i was mainly using 'simpler' and 'impulse,' in house Ableton midi instruments.
Midi is a great thing. Being able to paste in hits of samples in a simple sequencer and see that in front of you really gives you an appreciation of the movement'flow of a signal being transformed and modulated. Ultimate control over sound with an easily readable 'visual mechanism/format' with which to work from.

For the digital objects (computers/radios) within the level i will get blips and blops off freesoundproject.org
This is a great website and always has high quality samples, all royalty free.

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